Cervicogenic Headaches

Headaches affect almost half of the population. Headaches referring form the cervical spine attribute to 15-25% of those headaches. There are a few theories about the true basis of “cervicogenic” headaches. The first is an interconnection with the trigeminal sensory nucleus that can produce referral pain from the neck to the head and vice versa. The other theory is mechanical irritation of the greater occipital nerve as it emerges from the sub-occipital area. Let’s focus on the mechanical irritation theory.    

The suboccipital area is the space between the base of your skull and the start of your cervical spine or neck. This area has several small muscles, known as the suboccipitals, that keep the head looking straight as we move. When we have poor sitting posture and the shoulders start to roll forward, we find our head drifting more forward, this places a significant amount of stress  on these sub occipital muscles.

When these muscles are overworked they begin to develop trigger points and overall tightness. This tightness leads to irritation of the greater occipital nerve as it’s coming out of the neck. When the nerve is irritated you will begin to experience headaches.

Cervicogenic or tension type headaches generally have a great deal of neck tightness and discomfort preceding the headaches. Then, when they happen they usually start in the back of the head and wrap around to the top of the head. Sometimes, if severe enough pain can be felt all the way to behind the eye. These headaches generally only happen on one side of the head, but they can cross over too. They can also produce a “band of tightness” around the head or make it feel “like your head is in a vice.”  

With any headache complaint it is important to rule out any significant pathology. At our office you will receive a thorough history and exam to give a proper diagnosis for the headaches. If you are suffering from cervicogenic headaches, chiropractic care is generally extremely successful in helping reduce these symptoms. Through adjustments, muscle work, and some minor corrective exercises we can get you on the path to being headache free!

Call us today to schedule a consultation regarding your headaches at 716-947-5106.


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