Cox Technic Treatment

If you’ve been treated in our office before, there is a significant chance we’ve used flexion distraction or Cox Technic as a treatment. I am now happy to announce that Dr. Smith and myself are certified in the technique for the lumbar spine.  Dr. Smith is also certified in Cox Technic for the Cervical spine.

Flexion distraction is a gentle, safe, and controlled treatment. This is a hands on, doctor controlled form of spinal decompression. It has been shown that intradiscal pressure can be reduced by 192 mm/Hg and the spinal canal openings (foramina) can be widened by 28% post treatment.

When this technique is performed on the low back or lumbar spine, you will begin face down on the table. The doctor will contact your low back with his hand and gently flex the table down. You should feel a gentle stretch just below the doctor’s contact on your low back. The stretching you’ll feel is the “decompression” that is happening. By holding your spine in place your legs are used as a lever to gently decompress all the levels below the doctor’s contact. 

When your condition resolves to above the knee the doctor can go to the next protocol which will include some side to side movement when the table is flexed down. The side to side and circular movements are used to restore all ranges of motion into the joints of your low back, to further reduce pain and increase range of motion. 

This technique is used to treat conditions such as lumbar herniation, cervical herniation, sciatica, stenosis, bulging discs, generalized low back or neck pain, arm pain, leg pain, and headaches. The technique uses such a small gentle force that it can even be used post surgery.  If you have a fusion in your low back or neck, the doctor can decompress the segments above or below the fusion without harming any of the surgically implanted hardware.  

If you’d like to learn more or see if this treatment is right for you, schedule a consultation today. It’s always best to call us at 716-947-5106.  


Disc Herniation


Hip Flexor Pain