Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

The sacroiliac joint is the loadbearing, shock-absorbing, union between the spine and pelvis.  This joint is considered irregular because it is both synovial and fibrocartilaginous.  This joint is surrounded by a strong ligamentous capsule and is minimally mobile. There is only about 4° of rotation or 1 mm of translation.  

The clinical presentation of SI joint pain is quite variable and shares a lot of common characteristics with low back and hip problems. Generally, you will have pain around the beltline level or in your “hip.” Now, this hip pain is generally felt in the back portion of the hip, again, near the beltline.  Sometimes the low back musculature above the SI joint can become painful and there can also be referral into the butt or the back of the leg on the affected side too.  Sometimes the pain also travels around the side of your hip and to the front.      

Sacroiliac joint dysfunction can generally be divided into two groups mechanical and arthritic. Mechanical pain results from anything that alters the joint mechanics.  This could be slipping on ice directly onto your buttock, lifting heavy weights with a flexed posture (like shoveling snow this time of year), or abnormal postural strains from sitting for prolonged periods of time.  The “arthritic” causes of sacroiliac joint dysfunction far less common but can be attributed to osteoarthritis or degenerative arthritis of this specific joint.  Or inflammatory arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, and enteropathic arthritis.

Standing on the affected leg may make symptoms worse and sometimes leaning away from the affected side can make it feel a little bit better.  Usually sitting for too long will aggravate it and getting up from a seated position can be very painful. 

Conservative interventions for this condition can be helpful. Sacroiliac joint manipulation restores motion to hypomobile joints and has shown benefit.  Myofascial release to the affected muscles can be very beneficial too.  Lastly, we can teach you some exercises to help stabilize the area and maybe change some workstation or lifestyle ergonomics to prevent this from happening again.  

If you think this condition may be affecting you or someone you know, call us at 716-947-5106 to schedule a consultation today. 


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